A Complete Guide to Singapore Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)

3 min Read
If you are an entrepreneur looking to set up a business in Singapore, applying for an Entrepreneur Pass could be your best call. In this article, we have put together all the information you need to know about this work visa. And, for your perusal, we also provide Singapore work pass application services that set you free from overwhelming administrative processing.
What is an Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass)?
An Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) is provided by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for foreign entrepreneurs who plan to establish their new businesses in Singapore. This pass is helpful for investors, high-caliber innovators, and those without paper qualifications but with proven business networks and track records of entrepreneurship. This scheme is also part of the government’s plan to attract talent to the country and become a regional business hub.
Am I eligible to apply for an EntrePass?
To be eligible for an Entrepreneur Pass, you need to:
- be 21 years of age and over, with relevant qualifications and experience;
- have an entrepreneurial and innovative business proposal, and be able to create local jobs;
- be willing to move to Singapore to run your new business;
- register your business in Singapore as a private limited company;
- own a company that is not yet a legal entity or not older than six months at the time of your EntrePass application; and
- hold at least a 30% stake in your proposed business.
In addition, you need to meet any of the following innovative criteria as an entrepreneur, innovator, or investor listed below.
- Your company received at least S$100,000 in funding or investment from a third-party venture capitalist (VC) or angel investor accredited by a Singapore government agency.
- Your company was incubated by an incubator or accelerator recognized by the Singapore government.
- You have an established business network and a track record of entrepreneurship.
- You own intellectual property.
- You have research collaborations with Singapore-based higher education institutions or credible research institutions.
- You have an outstanding track record in your key area of expertise.
You are willing to invest large sums of money in other local technology startups and can provide supporting documents to demonstrate that you have any of the following:
- A strong track record of investing and driving the growth of a highly scalable business.
- Plans (i.e., quantum, period, and channel) to invest in innovative startups or other local technologies.
- Minimum eight years experience as a senior management professional or executive in a large company that can help boost local innovation or technology startups.
You do not qualify for an EntrePass if your business is operating in any of the following fields:
- Coffee shops, hawker centers, food courts;
- Bars, nightclubs, karaoke lounges;
- Foot reflexology, massage parlors;
- Acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal dispensing businesses;
- Employment agencies; and
- Geomancy businesses.
Required documents to apply for an EntrePass
If you are an entrepreneur who is still planning to register your company in Singapore, below are documents you will have to submit to apply for an EntrePass:
- A completed EntrePass application form;
- Documentary evidence to prove that you have met one of the eligibility criteria under the category of entrepreneur, innovator, or investor;
- Your business plan in specified format;
- Passport size photo taken in the last three months;
- A copy of your passport’s personal data page;
- Documentary evidence of your previous work and/or business ventures; and
- Copies of relevant education certificates, if any.
If you have incorporated your company, you will need to provide a copy of your business profile when applying for an EntrePass. In addition, you may be required to provide additional documents, such as:
- Licensing agreements;
- Memorandums of understanding with potential customers and/or suppliers;
- Relevant product certifications;
- Endorsements by reputable individuals/external parties; and
- A copy of your company’s latest bank statement.
Please note that all documents submitted for the EntrePass application must be in English or translated into English by a certified translation agency.
How long does the application process take?
The EntrePass application process takes at least two months for most cases. This process will be jointly assessed by MOM and government-partnered or government-linked agencies, such as the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board of Singapore (SPRING), Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), and SGInnovate.
What is next after the approval?
After the approval, MOM will send an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter to your Singapore address. The pass will be valid for six months from the date of issue.
Please note that you have to be in Singapore and provide copies of your IPA letter, passport, and other documents when collecting your EntrePass. Aside from that, your IPA letter may require you to undergo a medical test and make a report when you collect your visa. After the final IPA approval letter is issued, you must move to Singapore within six months from the approval date.
Can I register my business in Singapore without an EntrePass?
You do not have to wait until your EntrePass application gets approved to incorporate your company in Singapore. However, application rejection will prevent you from incurring business registration and relocation expenses.
When you have received an IPA letter from MOM, you will be required to register your company, open a company bank account and inject the required share capital within 30 days of the letter. Then, once you have registered your company, you must update your EntrePass details with MOM before the final approved EntrePass is issued to you.
Can I bring my family with me to Singapore?
As an EntrePass holder, you can bring your family members to Singapore by applying certain types of passes. Depending on your relationship with your dependents, you can apply for Dependant’s Passes or Long-Term Visit Passes on their behalf.
Dependant’s Passes are provided to those with whom you are closest to, including your legally married spouse or your unmarried/legally adopted children under the age of 21.
Any family member who does not fall into any of the two categories above can apply for a Long-Term Visit Pass. Dependents eligible for this pass are your spouse-in-law, your physically or mentally disabled children over the age of 21, your unmarried stepchildren under the age of 21, and your parents.
What if my EntrePass application is rejected?
If your EntrePass application is not approved, you may file an appeal within 90 days of your refusal notification. EntrePass appeals are usually processed within eight weeks. To avoid another refusal, it is best to seek the assistance of a Singapore corporate service firm.
How can Biz Atom help me with my EntrePass application?
We can help you with EntrePass and other Singapore’s work visa applications by:
- Ensuring that all necessary and supporting documents in your applications are accurately collected and completed. To streamline the process, we will request you to upload all required documents to our online portal.
- Preparing a cover letter and applying for the work visa on your behalf.
- Tracking your application status on your behalf. If your application is rejected, we will investigate the reasons with the Authority and file an appeal.
For additional information, please refer to our Work Visa page.
How can I renew my Entrepreneur Pass when it falls due?
Your EntrePass remains valid for up to one year and can be renewed upon expiration. Except for the first renewal, whose validity period will last for one year, subsequent periods are extended for up to two years. For detailed information about renewal criteria, please visit the MOM website.
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